
This information including testing requirements can also be found at the WYKKO websites listed in the Links section. 

Grandmaster of Yoshukai Karate: Katsuoh Yamamoto
                                                            - 10th Degree
Directors of WYKKO: Shihan Hiroaki Toyama
                                        8th Degree 
                                     Shihan Mike Culbreth, 7th Degree

Home Dojo -  Kitakyushu City Japan
Yoshukai means: Stive for Excellence
Karate means: Empty handed
The year Yoshukai Karate began: 1963
The Yoshukai Byword: Patience


Instructor - Sensei
School - Dojo
Uniform - Gi
Belt - Obi
Used in color belt ranking - Kyu
Form - Kata
The Way (symbol on back of gi) - Michi
Strive for Excellence - Yoshukai
One step fighting - Ippon Kumite
Fighting/Sparring  -Kumite
Fist - Seiken

Bow - Rei
Yell - Kiyah
Attention - Kiotsuke
Prepare - Yoi
Begin - Hajime
Finish - Yame
Relax - Yasume

Stances: Dachi
Attention Stance -Musubidachi 
Ready Stance - Uchihachijidachi
Front Stance - Zenkutsudachi
Straddle Stance - Shikodachi

Blocks: Uke
Upper Block - Jodan uke
Inside Center Block - Chudan Uchi Uke
Outside Center Block - Chudan Soto Uke
Down Block - Gedan Uke

Strikes: Tsuki (also fist to hip position)
Upper Punch - Jodan Tsuki
Center Punch - Chudan Tsuki
Lower Punch - Gedan Tsuki

Kicks: Geri
Front Kick - Mae Geri
Side Kick - Yoko Geri
Round Kick - Mawashi Geri

Numbers in Japanese
One - Ichi
Two - Ni
Three - San
Four - Shi
Five - Go
Six - Roku
Seven - Shichi
Eight - Hachi
Nine - Kyu
Ten - Ju


Greetings, etc.
Good Morning - Ohayo
Good Afternoon - Konnichiwa
Good Evening - Konbanwa
Good Night - Oyasumi
Goodbye - Sayonara
Thank You - Arigato

Black Belt - Yudansha
Weapons - Kobudo
Punching Board - Makiwara

Close Eyes - Mokuso
Open Eyes - Kiamoku
Knee Down - Seiza

Stances: Dachi
Cat Stance - Neko Ashidachi
Scissor Stance - Hasamidachi
Immovable Stance - Fudodachi

Blocks: Uke
Crosshand Block - Juji Uke
Knifehand Block - Shuto Uke
Elbow Block - Embi Uke
Heel Palm Block - Shotei Uke
Knee Block - Hiza Uke
Back Hand Block - Haisho Uke

Reverse Punch - Gyaku Tsuki
Knife Hand - Shuto
Elbow Strike - Embi
Back Fist - Uraken
Heel Palm - Shotei
Ridge Hand - Haito
Back Hand - Haisho
Hammer Fist - Tsutsuken
Knee - Hiza

Kicks: Geri
Flying Side Kick: Tobe Yoko Geri
Double Jump Front Kick: Nidan Geri
Back Kick - Ushiro Geri
Hook Kick - Kake Geri


Stances: Dachi
Horse Stance - Kibadachi
Parallel Stance - Heikodachi
Hourglass Stance - Sanchindachi
Back Stance - Kokutsudachi
One Leg Stance - Ippon Ashidachi
Kneeling One Knee: Iai dachi

Blocks: Uke
Wedge Block - Kakiwake uke
Ridge Hand Block - Haito Uke

Bent Wrist - Koken
Spear Hand - Nukite

Kicks: Geri
Jump Back Kick - Tobe Ushiro Geri
Crescent Kick - Ko Geri
Ax Kick - Kakato Otoshi
Spinning Back Kick - Ushiro Mawashi Geri
Jump Crescent Kick - Tobi Mawashi Ko Geri
Spinning Back Hook Kick - Ushiro Kake Geri

Parts of Foot Used in Kicks:
Instep - Haisoku
Edge of Heel - Sokuto
Bottom of Heel - Kakato
Bottom ball of foot - Koshi

Terminology was taken from WYKKO handbook.  All misspellings/typos are mine.