Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Few New Additions

I originally created this blog as a journal of sorts to chronicle my experiences as a student of Yoshukai Karate. Due mainly to the influences of one of my fellow homeschool friends who runs a MASSIVE homeschool blog, I've decided to incorporate some resources and ideas that might give other students encouragement and information. It's my desire that more and more people would learn about the joy and benefits of Yoshukai karate.  I've added a few pages to the blog to help newer students get started, to help students practice terminology and a couple more links to other wonderful Yoshukai websites that are certainly worth taking a look at if you haven't already.  I've also added an extensive playlist (just kidding about extensive) below that can easily be muted if you're like me and find it annoying to try to read while someone else's favorite songs are blarring at you. 
Best Wishes as always!

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